Top Reasons to Trust an Audiologist with Your Hearing Health
Audiologists specialize in diagnosing and treating hearing-related issues
Getting the right hearing aid can bring a huge improvement to your overall quality of life. It’s therefore vital that you make your selection carefully. With that in mind, here are some of the top dos and don’ts of hearing aid selection.
Everybody has their own unique experience of hearing loss. For some people, the loss of hearing will be more profound than for others. In some cases, hearing loss may only be at certain frequencies. For example, some people might find it hard to pick up high-pitched sounds but be fine with lower-pitched ones.
It’s also perfectly common for the same person to experience hearing loss differently in each of their ears. This is why audiologists check both ears independently rather than assuming that the readings for one ear will also apply to the other.
It’s common to do research on the internet so you have an idea of what specific types of hearing aids there are and what they look like. At the end of the day, however, a hearing aid isn’t something you look at, it’s something you use. That means it needs to fit your specific ear.
Ear-shape is very individual. In fact, if you look closely, you might see differences between your own left and right ears. There may also be internal differences you might not see, for example in the eardrum and ear canal. These all need to be considered when choosing a hearing aid.
Similarly, you’re going to need to feel comfortable about fitting and removing your hearing aid yourself. That means not just without your audiologist but without anyone else present. This means that you need to think about the size and shape of your hands and your general level of dexterity.
The more discrete a hearing aid is, the more complicated it is to use. You, therefore, have to decide whether your priority is discretion or simplicity. Your decision is likely to be guided by your lifestyle. Some people might choose to have different hearing aids for different situations.
For example, you might want a discreet hearing aid for use at your work. Outside work, however, you might prefer a simpler, more convenient option. If so, then you should make your audiologist aware.
Over-the-counter personal sound amplification products (PSAPs) may have no customization options at all. If they do, the options will typically be limited and complicated to implement. Proper hearing aids, by contrast, can be programmed to amplify only the sounds you need amplified and only to the extent you need them amplified.
This makes them both more effective and more comfortable. Basically, it means that you hear sounds as they are intended to be heard rather than hearing everything at a louder volume.
A hearing aid is basically a tool. As such, you need to be clear on the instructions for use. You should also expect there to be a short learning curve while you adjust to it. Your audiologist will guide you on how to use your hearing aid and which is the best fit for you.
Audiologists specialize in diagnosing and treating hearing-related issues
A hearing test is something that offers the opportunity for you to speak
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