Hearing aids are an effective treatment for hearing loss and can have a very positive impact on the quality of life of the wearer. For this reason, it’s essential to keep on top of hearing aid maintenance and see an audiologist for further help if necessary. Hearing aids are robust and intelligent devices, but they can also be delicate and need proper care. If you have hearing aids, it’s a good idea to speak to an audiologist about how to correctly clean and look after them. This will ensure you get more use out of them for longer.

Why hearing aid maintenance is important

Hearing aid maintenance is very important for several reasons. Our hearing can change over time, and inner ear issues can develop. This may mean that you need your hearing aids adjusted or replaced accordingly. It’s advisable to have your hearing tested and your hearing aids inspected frequently by an audiologist to ensure you have the right device for you. Hearing aids are delicate and may also get damaged by moisture or being dropped. They can also get blocked up with ear wax. An audiologist can correct these issues, but it’s vital to report any sign of damage as soon as possible.

Common issues with hearing aids

There are a few common issues to look out for with hearing aids. You might notice a whistling noise, for instance. If this is the case, there are a few tests you can try. Turn the hearing aid volume down to see if it solves the problem. Sometimes the microphone might pick up feedback if it’s set to full volume. If you cannot hear well without the hearing aid being on full volume, you may need an upgrade as your hearing could have changed. Your hearing aid might also be blocked by earwax so inspect it for this.

Another issue could be the battery. If your hearing aids don’t seem to work but don’t appear damaged or blocked, try charging or replacing the battery. This could be the reason. It’s a good idea to get a battery tester, as this will help you determine whether the battery is the culprit or not. Hearing aids are also sensitive to moisture. If your hearing aid has come into contact with water, this could be the reason it’s not functioning properly. Try opening the battery door and airing out your hearing aids to see if this helps.

When to see an audiologist

If you’ve carried out all the necessary maintenance checks and tests, but your hearing aids still aren’t working correctly, then it’s time to see an audiologist. They’ll be able to perform professional troubleshooting and test your hearing as well. After repairing or replacing your hearing aids, they’ll also be able to give you extra maintenance tips and instructions. This way, you can ensure you take care of your hearing aids. Hearing aids need special attention, so it’s advisable to have them regularly checked by an audiologist.