It’s pretty easy to prepare for a hearing test – the hardest part is making the appointment! Once you’ve determined that you may have a hearing loss and you should see an audiologist, the rest of the process is a piece of cake! Knowing what’s ahead, what to expect from the tests and the questions relieves a lot of anxiety. These tips to prepare for a hearing test should put you more at ease.

Homework before the test

There’s not too much to do prior to your appointment. You’ll want to have your medical history with you along with a list of your medications. Try to outline when you first noticed your hearing loss and the situations in which it seems worse. Take a moment to consider what you want to achieve during the visit and write down your questions for the audiologist.

If you have a cold or don’t feel well, postpone your appointment so your symptoms don’t throw off the tests.

Learn about hearing tests

As the saying goes, knowledge is power. Here is a general outline of what happens at a hearing test. The appointment will take about an hour, which includes a physical exam of your ears, a consultation, the hearing tests and the results. Most exams include pure tone testing and speech testing. In pure tone testing, you are in a soundproof room. You wear headphones and identify sounds you hear – high pitched, low pitched, soft and loud. Speech testing evaluates how well you hear soft sounds and whispered words. These tests are painless and give your audiologist a better idea of what type of hearing loss you have and how to treat it.

Prepare some answers

Your audiologist will ask a number of questions to learn more about you and your hearing loss. These are some of the key questions: When did your hearing loss start? Were your symptoms gradual or sudden? Are there situations where you have a harder time hearing? Have you had any recent medical issues? Does anyone in your family have hearing loss? Taking time before your appointment to consider your answers should alleviate your apprehensions.

Prepare some questions

Now that you have an idea as to what questions to expect, it’s time to make a list of questions you want to ask. Some basic questions include: What is the most likely cause of my hearing loss? Do both ears have the same degree of hearing loss? May I have a copy of the test results? Is my hearing test covered by insurance? Write down your questions and discuss them with the audiologist during your consultation. It may also help to have a friend along for moral support.

Hopefully these tips to prepare for a hearing test will put you at ease on the day of your appointment. It’s sometimes difficult to accept test results, but remember, the sooner you are tested, the sooner treatment can begin.