As far as technological advancements in healthcare go, hearing aids have been a revelation. The ability to create a device that allows a person the ability to hear again is revolutionary. They are excellent little devices that helps those with hearing loss to regain some of their senses back, and enables them to live happier and more productive lives. The only issue? Technology fails all the time, and while we have the means to fix it and improve it, it only takes one breakdown for your hearing aids to need a fix. Hearing aid repairs are commonly required, and some of the reasons that your hearing aids will breakdown include:

  • No sound being fed through the tubes.
  • Low sounds
  • Intermittent sound, making it impossible to hear a conversation properly
  • Static or whistling feedback while trying to hear

There are plenty of things that you can do to make life easier for your hearing, though. Hearing aid repairs with your audiologist can make a huge difference to the way yours work, and there are some ways that you can solve the problem at home first to save you both time and money.

Common ways to repair your hearing aids

Perhaps you forgot to take them off when you headed to the shower, or you may have accidentally sat on them while they’re out of your ears. Accidents do happen, but there are some steps you can take before you sit down with your audiologist:

  • Is it switched on? It may sound ridiculous, but the number of times a person has a problem with a hearing aid because it’s turned off is higher than you’d think. Anything from an accidental fumble while adjusting it can switch it off, so you may have turned them off without intending to.
  • Double check the volume on your hearing aid. You may have accidentally turned it right down and forgot to switch it back the other way. You need your hearing aid to be at the right volume so that you can hear everything going on.
  • Your battery position and the level of power you have are important, otherwise you won’t be able to hear anything at all. Testing the batteries regularly can ensure that you aren’t dealing with low or intermittent sounds.
  • Behind the ear hearing aids are vulnerable to the tubing being damaged. The feedback can interfere with how well you can hear, and so the tubing may need to be replaced.

Getting the right help

Your audiologist would have discussed with you how to fix your hearing aids if there were any issues that you encounter. However, not every troubleshooting fix is going to work. Sometimes, you do need the help to get your hearing aids back to the working order that you need them to be in for you to manage. Those hearing aids that are older than a few years or become damaged could need replacing entirely.

Give your audiologist a call today to see whether you can be fit in for your hearing aid repairs now.