Hearing loss is a delicate subject, but it’s one that you cannot afford to ignore. After all, your ears are used on a 24/7 basis. As such, it’s important to gain a basic understanding of the issues regardless of whether you suffer from them.

Like most people, you’re probably equipped with a whole series of questions. Here are some of the most common queries, along with answers provided by the audiologist. If this doesn’t shed a little light on the subject, you can always contact one directly.

How many people suffer from hearing loss?

Experts at the Hearing Loss Association of America believe that around 50 million Americans, or one in five people, have significant hearing loss. So, if you fear that you may be one of them, you are far from alone.

There are many potential sources that hearing loss may be attributed to. This includes genetics, exposure to loud noise, birth defects, other health problems, and general aging. Whatever the reason might be, an audiologist is the best person to identify the type and severity.

Visiting the audiologist is also the key to getting treated in a fast, practical fashion.

What types of treatment are available?

In truth, your hearing loss may be treated in several ways depending on the type and cause. Once again, the audiologist is the best person to ensure your case is handled in the most effective manner. Still, knowing about the treatments is vital.

Hearing aids are the most common solution, but other options can include sound therapy, cognitive therapy, implants, and coping mechanism. Meanwhile, hearing assisted technology (HATS) may be used to make daily life feel a little more comfortable.

There are many options out there, and the audiologist will help you find the best.

How quickly does hearing deteriorate?

There is no one clear answer for this one. Everyone has a unique hearing profile, which is why anyone with hearing loss must be seen by an audiologist to gain an accurate diagnosis. Likewise, though, the rate of deterioration will vary from person to person too.

Treating the problem ASAP will give you the best chance of slowing the regression while defense tools can make a significant impact too. When you do have a known condition, ensuring that you visit the audiologist annually is crucial for your long-term health.

Conversely, leaving the issue untreated allows it to worsen.

What signs should I look out for?

Early detection is one of the best ways to maintain control over your hearing loss. While you should get tested every 3 to 5 years as a precautionary measure even when an issue isn’t known, it’s important to be vigilant for signs that your hearing may not be as functional as it should be.

Common indicators include turning up the television, struggling to follow conversations, missing phone calls, getting headaches, and suffering from tinnitus. While none of those issues is exclusively linked to hearing loss, you should always get checked out by an audiologist.

It’s better to be safe than sorry.